2016 ArtSpace
Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival - Saturday May 7th 2016


Please click here for updated 2019 Seabreeze Artspace Competition

This year there will be two Community Choice prizes of $3000 each.

Please read all information prior to returning your form to avoid disappointment.

Complete one of the forms below, there is one for individuals followed by a different form for schools only.

You will be contacted by the co-ordinator to complete the registration process. 
This will include verifying we have your entry form, ask for any additional details, give you an entry registration number when categories are finalised to attach to your work and full details including how to drop off and collect your work and where the presentations will be held.

email: treasurer@ncelboard.net or 

Categories are still being finalised and these categories are subject to change depending on registrations. Please select one only (1) category that you would like to register for.  School groups are listed separately.

Individual categories:

  •  Community Choice Sponsored by Nightcliff Community Bank $1000 bank account (this category is judged by a collection of community votes on the day and is open to anyone and any medium)

*All other categories will be decided by the sponsor or their elected judging panel on the day*

  •  Photography Sponsored by Enjoy Darwin
  •  Wearable Art
  •  3D
  •  Community Group
  • Other ……………………………If you feel it doesn’t fit our options.

Age Categories (school groups please enter using the schools category, this is for individual works only and prize money will be paid to the artist)

  • Little Lindsays (up to 6)
  • Young Yunupingus (7 – 11)
  • Junior Junipers  (12 – 15)
  • Senior Sharpes (16 - 21)

Schools categories
This is for classroom projects only, individual students should enter age groups.  Prize money in this category is paid to the school. If a project crosses grades please use your discretion and select the option for the majority of students:

  • Transition -  grade 2
  •  Grade 3 - 6
  •  Middle and Senior School

Any artwork available for sale with have details of price if available displayed with the item.  Interested buyers will be asked to provide their contact details which will be passed on to the artist to contact them directly. 


In submitting this registration form you are agreeing that your work will be displayed in a public area and images may be used by NAMCI and associated partners for the purpose of current and future promotion.  Whilst all care is taken Nightcliff Community Bank and NAMCI do not take responsibility for
loss or damage.

Sharka handing donation to LegacySharka donated the $1000 AGM door prize to NT Legacy.
social-traders logo trans-300

2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)

Community Bank Nightcliff 
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.

You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local  Community Bank..

BMX bikes for kidsSponsored BMX Bikes for Kids
FBEC New jump sponsored by NIghtcliff Community BankSupporting Fannie Bay Equestrian Club
Retina Australia donation$1000 donation to Retina Australia
Territory Women Hunting and FishingHelping TWHF support Australian Ovarian Cancer research


Keep up with the news  with a subscription to
Nightcliff Community  Newsletter

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Opening mural at Tactile ArtsSee the Magnificent Community Mural at Tactile Arts
Open Category Winner 2015Open Category Winner 2015
Supporting Nightcliff Youth
Nightcliff Community Bank Manager with netball girls.Netball 2016
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