The Nightcliff Community Bank Marquee is another community project aimed at helping local schools, charities and similar organisations in their community activities.
Many local organisations such as schools have an occasional need for a shady marquee for a sports day or fundraising activity.
By providing a marquee for loan to local groups, the bank will be helping with an item which normally costs quite a bit, only to be stored out of sight for most of the year.
We hope this will free up funds which can then be used for other activities.
The larger one is also available for borrowing from November to April while the markets are not running.
This is part of the Community Bank policy of playing an active supportive role in the Darwin community. Of course it goes without saying that any stalls need to be family friendly and comply with local council regulations.
Please use the form below to present a proposed use and dates. Check existing bookings below the form to find available dates.
Date | Name | Activity |
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All around Australia sports clubs, charities, schools and other community groups have benefited from millions of dollars returned to the people through successful community banks.
The Nightcliff Bank marquee is just a small example of community support the Nightcliff Community Bank Branch has been able to provide.
The Bank has been able to provide support for community programs including;
You can help the bank provide more community support simply by using the services provided by Community Bank Nightcliff.
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2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local Community Bank..
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