15 Local Charity Organisations and Sports Clubs at our 15 year Birthday celebrations each received $1500 donations.
Nightcliff Commumnity Bank also celebrates One Million Dollars it has paid to community NFP's over those years.
Thanks to all the customers and supporters who have made this possible...
Some very distinguished guests called in to celebrate with us.
His Honour Professor Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, Chief Minister Natasha Fyles and Darwin Mayor Kon Vatskalis were all there to see the $1500 donations handed out to some well deserving organizations.
It was also great to have some of the original volunteers who had the foresight and drive to establish the Community Bank all those years ago.
Special shout out to Gavin Keane, Trevor Tschirpig and Murray Fuller, previous Chairs of the NCEL Board of Directors.
2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local Community Bank..
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