Community Support from Nightcliff Community Bank Branch covers a wide range of community activities ranging from Charities to Arts, Sports, Schools and even individuals who can add significantly to the local scene.
Nightcliff Community Bank
40 Progress Drive
Ph 8948 4485
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4pm
Friday 9.30am to 5pm
Since opening in September 2008, Nightcliff Community Bank has provided more than $450,000 to support various local organizations.
Around Australia a network of 320 Community Banks have provided over $200 million dollars for local community projects and charities.
The Nightcliff Community Bank Branch sponsors organisations and activities that support our local community, building community strength and capacity.
A community forum was held to co-ordinate community activities and help the NCEL Directors use available funding in the most effective manner. Local people are invited to submit their ideas and comments in the online forum.
Darwin Hospice provides 12 beds in a relaxing garden setting to help people through a difficult time. Staff and volunteers work hard to provide the care and attention that can make a big difference to both patients and families during this period.
Of course no-one plans to stay here, and often people find themselves here without even the most basic of personal care items. Staff have commented that even the lack of something as small as a toothbrush can cause unnecessary stress and embarrassment in these circumstances.
As part of it's community work, Nightcliff Community Bank Branch has provided funding to supply a package of everyday necessities to each new patient. The care packs include shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, face washers, a comb, hand cream, tissues, and a pack of cards or puzzle book.
Nightcliff Community Bank Branch Manager Jeff Watson presents CEO of School Sport NT Peter Hirst at the Katherine School of the Air with a cheque for $5000- to support their newly formed partnership program in Leadership identification.
This program will support & develop leadership within School Sport NT at a grass roots level around Management, Team work & coaching.
Its aims are to foster an understanding of management involved in Sport groups that will lead on to personal development & possible career aspirations within this field.
Supporting Mission Australia's Urban Quest program with prize money for the finalists is an example of how the Nightcliff Community Bank can work with other organisations in the NT
As well as helping the students, this program also aims to help raise money to support homeless youth
More than a quarter of the almost 5,000 Territorians who are homeless are aged between 12 and 18
Read more here..
Local student Meagan has won Bendigo Bank's 'Student Account' competition.
As well as winning an Apple Mac Laptop for herself, Meagan's school also
receives $1,000 from Bendigo Bank to put towards a project or
initiative of the school's choice.
A talented and enthusiastic band, Skarlett was presented with a grant at the 2010 AGM to help them along the road to success. Read more on how the grant has been used.
The bank was pleased to be able to provide some support for the work
done by Autism NT. As well as financial support, the Bank Marquee provides shade on their various outdoor activites, such as Walk for Autism
The Nightcliff Cricket Club, Bowls Club and Netball Team have all received support from the Community Bank® to help promote a healthy, happy lifestyle for our community.
In 2011 an Art Award was established to encourage local paticipation in the annual SeaBreeze Jetty Art exhibition.
The Community Choice Art Prize of $3000 has become a major feature of the Arts scene in Darwin
A donation to help the children's family cancer charity that believes in bringing optimism and happiness to the lives of children and families affected by cancer.
A donation to Sids'n Kids to help keep the Rapid Creek Office running and providing support to local people.
December 2010
Gerard is about to embark on a bike cycle journey in South Australia to
raise awareness about type 1 & 2 Diabetes� but his aim is to make
this same awareness in the NT. Gerard hopes to raise $5000 as his
donation to the Australian Ride for A cure that departs from Adelaide
soon: the Nightcliff Community Bank was delighted to help him reach this
target with a small contribution and in-kind support that enabled him
to attract the attention of visitors to the Nightcliff Sunday markets.
Did you know that in the NT there are over 1000 cases of people with type 1 Diabetes who require life saving treatment daily? Australia wide there are 140,000 people & in South Australia alone 30,000 people living with this disease. There are a larger number of type 2 Diabetes in our Community, some of whom are yet undiagnosed and untreated. The impost on families and communities could be significantly reduced through raising awareness of the issues� enabling us all to take action.
December 2010
Nightcliff Community Bank® presented a total of 5 awards to students who
had demonstrated excellence during the 2010 school year. Bank staff and
Board members attended Award Presentations at St Paul's Primary School
Nightcliff Primary School.
St Paul's Primary used these prizes to recognise students in the junior grades that had been successful in Living the Values of our School.
November 2010
Manager Jeff Watson also delivered 50 Pencil O'Reilly Books to the St
Pauls Primary School and found that the students couldn't wait to get
To submit an Community Grants Application or to request further information you can contact:
Jeff Watson,
Branch Manager, Nightcliff Community Bank®
Phone 08 8948 4485
or email
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Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
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