Urban Quest provides school students throughout the NT with an opportunity to show their talents. Hosted by Mission Australia, the Quest "aims to help young people build confidence, connect with their community and gain live performance experience".
The Nightcliff Community Bank® supports this program, which goes beyond a talent quest, helping young people develop confidence and experience, building self-esteem through healthy competition, mentoring and support.
Open to singers, rappers, dancers and musicians aged between 10 and 19, initial auditions were held in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin with finals in the Darwin Entertainment Centre.
2012 Urban Quest Winners
1st Gabrielle Wright
2nd Monique Chong (Alice Springs)
3rd Shiane Hawke
More than $100 million dollars has been provided to local community projects since 1998 when the first Community Bank branches opened.
All the contestants were winners, given a chance to meet and work with some of the real celebrities of the Australian entertainment industry.
Inspiration, dreams and self confidence are essential for growing youngsters, especially in the isolation of the NT.
Much more than just a simple contest, this experience provided lessons in etiquette, deportment, personal presentation and a glimpse into the real world of theatre and entertainment.
Call Nightcliff Community Bank® to get your money working within our own community, simply by using the Community Bank® for services and products you normally use everyday anyway.
2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local Community Bank..
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