Community Activities

Community Activities include sports, charities, disability support, childrens programs and a wide range of other activities throughout the Darwin area.

Mental Health Award Winners and Supporters 2021Mental Health Award Winners and Supporters 2021

 Community Bank 

40 Progress Drive
Ph 8948 4485

Opening Hours;
Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4.00pm
Friday 9:30am to 5pm

Describe your Community Program here.

Community Activities and Programs play an important role in Darwin and the NT.
This web site provides an opportunity to tell everyone about your program and how it benefits people in the community.
The information you write here will help people who may be looking for just such a program.
Local businesses and volunteers are often happy to support organizations they can see working actively in the community.

Read about more Community Programs here.

Click below to see contributions from others.

Darwin Mens Shed 
Thank you to Bendigo Bank Community Support Program. Hi Jeff, We, The Darwin Men’s Shed (DMS), would like to take this opportunity to thank the board …

Seniors of Excellence NT Not rated yet
The Board of Seniors of Excellence NT Inc And our Patron Ms Sally Thomas Am AC Welcomed our Guest of Honour His Honour Professor The Honourable …

Evergreens Seniors Club NT Not rated yet
Evergreens Seniors Club NT Inc has supported Seniors in the Darwin area since 1989 and has been encouraging seniors from all walks of life to become involved …

Computer Aided Learning Program (CAL)  Not rated yet
The Computer Aided Learning Program (CAL) is a highly valued service delivered by the Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory Inc (DSANT). …

Playgroup NT supporting the Community Not rated yet
Playgroup NT is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support for volunteer led playgroups where children under 5 years old and their parents or …

“ Loy Krathong Festival” on 16th November 2019 Not rated yet
Loy Krathong Festival is a festival of light (or know as Thailand Lantern Festival). It falls on the full moon day in November. The festival is celebrated …

Walk for Autism Not rated yet
Walk for Autism On Saturday April 21st Autism NT held their 3rd Annual awareness walk at the Jingili Water Gardens. This Community event encourages people …

Darwin Flyrodders Not rated yet
Nightcliff Bendigo Bank sponsorship of Darwin Flyrodders Inc., On behalf of the committee and members of the Darwin Flyrodders Inc., I would like …

Click here to write your own.

Jettyartspace winner presentationPresentation of $3000 2021 winners cheque to Dripstone Middle School


Community Bank Nightcliff  sponsors organisations and activities that support our local community, building community strength and capacity.

A community forum was held to co-ordinate community activities and help the NCEL Directors use available funding in the most effective manner. Local people are invited to submit their ideas and comments in the online forum.

Since opening in September 2008, Nightcliff Community Bank has provided more than $1,000,000 to support various local organizations.

Read about Grants and Sponsorships here

To request further information you can contact:

Jeff Watson,
Branch Manager,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Phone 08 8948 4485
or email

Return from Nightcliff Community Activities to Home

Sharka handing donation to LegacySharka donated the $1000 AGM door prize to NT Legacy.
social-traders logo trans-300

2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)

Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff 
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.

You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local  Community Bank..

BMX bikes for kidsSponsored BMX Bikes for Kids
FBEC New jump sponsored by NIghtcliff Community BankSupporting Fannie Bay Equestrian Club
Retina Australia donation$1000 donation to Retina Australia
Territory Women Hunting and FishingHelping TWHF support Australian Ovarian Cancer research


Keep up with the news  with a subscription to
Nightcliff Community  Newsletter

NT Teen FashionNTeen Fashion Festival 2019. It offers opportunities for the Youth of the Northern Territory to engage, learn and grow
Nightcliff Community Toy donations to RDH 2019Nightcliff Community Toy donations to RDH 2019
providing a new scoreboard for the TigersNew Tigers scoreboard
Opening mural at Tactile ArtsSee the Magnificent Community Mural at Tactile Arts
Open Category Winner 2015Open Category Winner 2015
Supporting Nightcliff Youth
Nightcliff Community Bank Manager with netball girls.Netball 2016
Darwin HospiceDarwin Hospice