As the Community Banks site will be growing and changing often, this Blog is the best place to keep track of the changes.
Community Support Applications may be submitted to Nightcliff Community Bank for grants to Darwin community groups, charities, projects or other local causes.
Community Activities include sports, charities, disability support, childrens programs and a wide range of other activities that engage and include all sections of the community.
Continue reading "Community Activities supported by Community Bank Nightcliff"
Nightcliff Community Bank provides your banking needs as a franchise of Bendigo Bank, using 80% of profits to support local Community Programs and shareholders.
NCEL Annual Reports - Nightcliff Community Enterprises Limited operates Community Bank Nightcliff as a franchise of of Bendigo Bank
Continue reading "NCEL Annual Reports for 2014, through to 2024"
Nightcliff Community Bank Staff feel they are more than just bank staff because the Bank plays such an important role in the local community.
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Limited is a local company owned by around 300 shareholders which was established specifically to provide a Community Bank® for Nightcliff and Darwin.
NCEL Shares ( Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd) become available to purchase occasionally. There are maximum limits and ownership of shares is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
15 Local Charity Organisations and Sports Clubs at our 15 year Birthday each received $1500 donations to celebrate One Million Dollars paid to community NFP's
Continue reading "15 Local Charity Groups, NFP's and Sports Clubs at our15 Year Birthday"
The Board ofSeniors of Excellence NT IncAnd our Patron Ms Sally Thomas Am AC Welcomed our Guest of HonourHis Honour Professor The Honourable Hugh Heggie
The Community Partnership Grants application allows local organisations to apply for funding to aid in community projects or support local charities.
The Computer Aided Learning Program (CAL) is a highly valued service delivered by the Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory Inc (DSANT).
Community Support from Nightcliff Community Bank; Branch covers a wide range of community activities ranging from Charities to Arts, Sports and Schools
Playgroup NT is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support for volunteer led playgroups where children under 5 years old and their parents or
Loy Krathong Festival is a festival of light (or know as Thailand Lantern Festival). It falls on the full moon day in November. The festival is celebrated
Continue reading "“ Loy Krathong Festival” on 16th November 2019"
2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local Community Bank..
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