The Nightcliff Community Bank Board is made up of local community people who share a passion for their community and volunteer their time to build the Nightcliff Community Bank.
The Nightcliff Community Bank is a partnership of the Bendigo Bank and a locally owned company, Nightcliff Community Enterprises Limited. (NCEL)
The Directors of NCEL are all volunteers who are committed to helping run the Nightcliff Community Bank for the benefit of local people, with the aim of providing quality banking services as well as a return to shareholders and profit into the community.
More than $250 million dollars has been provided to local community projects around Australia since 1998 when the first of these banks opened.
Since opening the branch in 2008, NCEL has supported local community groups with more than $500,000 in cash and kind as grants and sponsorships.
Current NCEL Directors
Trevor Tschirpig has resigned as a director to enjoy a well earned retirement. We all thank him for his enthusiastic support since the beginning of the original steering committee and wish him a long and happy retirement. Trevor remains as an associate director.
If you are interested in working with your local community bank we would love to hear from you.
The NCEL Board welcomes inquiries from local people who may be able to contribute to the successful development of the bank.
The successful commercial development of this community project depends on local people playing an active part, whether as Directors on the NCEL board or as contributors of skills and ideas on board committees as associates.
Do not use this form for banking business or your financial matters.
Please contact the Nightcliff Community Bank branch manager Jeff Watson on (08) 8948 4485 for any banking enquiries.
The stats below show how the 320+ Community Bank branches have contributed to communities around Australia
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2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Nightcliff Community Enterprises Ltd,
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
You can help develop more community support simply by using the services provided by your local Community Bank..
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