Seabreeze Jetty Artspace Prizes for 2018 including the $3000 Community Choice open prize sponsored by the Nightcliff Community Bank® Branch
Community Choice sponsored by Nightcliff Community Bank $3,000
Runner Up sponsored by Nightcliff Community Bank $1,000
3rd Prize sponsored by $350
Recycled sponsored by Trevor Tschirpig $150
Photography sponsored by Outstation Gallery $150
3D sponsored by Don Whyte Picture Framing $150
Schools sponsored by Kate Worden TBA
Community sponsored by Cash Advantage $150
Age groups sponsored by Ruby G’s, Stuart Rodda, Savvas Footwear,
Friendly Pool & Spa Care $375
Please support these local businesses which make these prizes possible.
The Forrest of Life project was biggest single entry ever at the Jetty ArtSpace with 72 pieces.
With just 51 registered entries the 2018 Jetty ArtSpace had the smallest registrations number, but covering 10 fencing panels it broke the record for the biggest display.
Impressive given it’s also the first year we’ve enforced a limit of one entry per artist.
Some of our artists have been entering every year since the very first Jetty ArtSpace.
We have artists from Mandorah to Bachelor come to Nightcliff for the festival each year.
2024 Report on Social Enterprises (RISE)
Community Bank Nightcliff
Qualifies as a Social Trader because it provides up to 80% of profits to local organisations.
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