by Tracey
Walk for Autism On Saturday April 21st Autism NT held their 3rd Annual awareness walk at the Jingili Water Gardens.
This Community event encourages people to come together and show their support those with an autism spectrum disorder whilst enjoying the beauty of the Water Gardens.
Almost 70 adults and children came to walk around the gardens before coming together to enjoy a sausage and cold drink. The team from Sports Medicine Australia (NT) joined us to give everyone a quick warm up before Ross Bohlin MLA did the honours and started the Walk.
For the second year in a row we were joined but the expert sausage sizzlers of the Kiwanis Clubs of both Darwin and Palmerston – Rural.
We were also pleasantly surprised to be presented by cheques from the Kiwanis. All proceeds raised on the day help fund free family days for our members across the Territory.
The additional shade provided by the Nightcliff Community Bank® marquee was well used on the day as it was at our Autism NT Members Christmas Party in December last year. Happily we didn’t have to test it against the rain on either occasion. Marquees big enough to cover a large group of people are expensive and difficult to store, so being able to borrow one for an event has been a big help to us!
On behalf of the members, committee and staff of Autism NT I thank the Board and Staff of the Nightcliff Community Bank for this initiative and look forward to using it again at our next outdoor event.
Autism NT Office
Shop 19, Nightcliff Shopping Centre
Dick Ward Drive
Coconut Grove NT 0810
Postal address: PO Box 94, NIGHTCLIFF NT 0814
Phone: 08 89484424
Fax: 08 89484014
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